Blackford Bulletin

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Upcoming Events

Building Connections: Teachers Boost Positive Parent Communication

ParentSquare and Postcards are Keeping Parents in the Loop

woman holding cell phone and reading a positive message from Terry's teacher

In the past two annual surveys, parents told us they wanted to receive more positive messages from the school about their child. Our teachers listened and are using our ParentSquare tools and other ideas to do just that!

In the first few months of this school year, teachers increased direct messages (DMs) by 17% district wide compared to the same period last year. Many schools are also sending “positive postcards” to families by mail, letting parents know about good things they notice about their students.

  • See answers to parents’ frequently asked questions here.
    ParentSquare FAQs  
  • Download the ParentSquare app.

Thankful Tree at Blackford

This month’s Character Strong focus is on  GRATITUDE . Gratitude means being thankful for the good things we have. It’s like saying “thank you” when someone does something kind, or feeling happy for things like our friends, family, or even…

This month’s Character Strong focus is on GRATITUDE.

Gratitude means being thankful for the good things we have. It’s like saying “thank you” when someone does something kind, or feeling happy for things like our friends, family, or even sunny days to play outside. Gratitude helps us notice all the little things that make us feel happy and cared for. 

The PTA has “planted” a Thankful Tree in the main hallway and it needs your help to grow.
We’re inviting parents and students to stop by, grab a paper leaf, and write down something you’re thankful for. Add it to our tree and watch it fill up with gratitude. Together, we can create an awesome display of gratitude and positivity, celebrating the good things in our lives!

Thank you! 

Promoting Inclusion and Equity Through School Libraries

Demonstrating anti-bias commitment with new resources available at school and online.

Library display of new books

New resources in our school libraries and online are the latest examples of our district’s commitment to fostering inclusivity, understanding, and support for all students. Thanks to the California State Superintendent's Anti Bias Education Grant, awarded to the Campbell Union School District in 2023, we’ve expanded our library resources to foster inclusion and a sense of belonging for all.  We want to honor students’ diverse cultures, heritage and perspectives as part of what enriches their learning experience.

“Our Anti-Bias Mission is to make time and space to continually challenge ourselves and invite others to identify and address barriers that impact our students and their communities,” said Dr. Pamela Cheng, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning. "This project is building community. It has helped our community liaisons and administrators connect with our newest families by using books to build a bridge between our school communities and home cultures."

The library websites will feature carefully curated books, articles, and digital tools that promote awareness of diversity and inclusion. One unique section celebrates special days from different cultures, showing how our shared values unite us, no matter our traditions, heroes, or holidays. See it online at our Celebrations and Values website.

We invite you to explore the resources available, and join us in creating a more inclusive and supportive school environment for everyone.

K-5 Art, Innovation & Music (AIM) Updates

Visit our AIM Blog here:…

Visit our AIM Blog here:

We Are Community Builders

District Volunteer Committees Bring Community Perspective, Fresh Ideas and Transparency

woman stands and talks to group of people seated at a conference table

The dedicated community members who serve on our volunteer committees strengthen our district in many ways. These individuals, many of whom do not work in education, bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and an essential layer of transparency to district decision-making.

2 men talking and writing ideas on large white paper
Two Innovation Council members discuss what is
needed to prepare students for the future. 

For example, our Innovation Council, composed of district, business, and community leaders, closely examines workforce trends and student needs. Together, they discuss how we can enhance learning to ensure that our students are prepared for future success. This group was instrumental in developing our five Profile of a Graduate competenciesour commitment to preparing ALL students for their yet-to-be-defined workplace.

logo for school linked servicesCampus Collaboratives, formed through our School Linked Services partnership, connect local service agency representatives, civic and municipal leaders, and school administrators who work together to identify local needs and coordinate resources that benefit our students and families. 

The Citizens Oversight Committee, another crucial group, reviews expenditures tied to voter-approved bonds and parcel taxes, ensuring that funds are allocated as promised. Members serve two-year terms.

icon for Community BuildersMembers of the District English Language Acquisition Committee (DELAC) meet to advocate for students and support programs that enhance language learning, further enriching our educational community.

“Educating students to their highest potential is a big job, and one that we cannot do alone,” said Superintendent Shelly VIramontez. “These committees are invaluable to our schools, and we thank each member for their time and commitment to partnering with us to support student success.”