Blackford Elementary School

Rising Young Authors Celebrated at Community Event

"These students are impressive," said Superintendent Shelly Viramontez.

"I really enjoyed reading their work, and I was very impressed with their creativity, imagination, and diversity of topics," she added.

The nine student honorees spoke about their award-winning work to an audience of 100 proud parents, family members, teachers, principals and elected officials at the 17th annual awards presentation. After receiving their awards, the Rising Young Authors autographed their books for their fans.

Pictured here, left to right: Board Vice President Richard Nguyen, Jordan, Chloe, Perri, Sofia, Charlotte, Jessica, Yehyun, Marina, Darius, Dr. Viramontez, and Board President Michael Snyder.

The Rising Young Author award includes one professionally produced copy of the student's for home and one for the school library, a gift certificate from the Assistance League of Los Gatos-Saratoga, a personal writer’s journal from Barnes & Noble, and a chance to win a Nook e-reader from School Innovations & Achievement. CSI student Yehyun Hwang was the lucky winner of the Nook drawing.

To read or order books by these student authors, go to  To view short videos about each Rising Young Author, click on the names below.

Meet the Rising Young Authors of 2019

Darius Parish
Blackford School

Yehyun Hwang
Campbell School of Innovation

Marina Schuler
Capri School

Sofia Ramirez
Marshall Lane School

Jessica Burkhart
Monroe Middle School

Chloe Hahn
Rolling Hills Middle School

Charlotte Reyes-Palo
Rosemary School

Jordan Pyle
Sherman Oaks School

Perri Jane Kaiser
Village School

Launched in 2002, the Rising Young Authors program recognizes a select  group of individual students whose short stories, essays, research papers and poems were among hundreds that teachers submit to the District's annual Writing Faire in May. At the conclusion of the Writing Faire, Rising Young Author judges review qualifying entries for each school — specific categories of writing by individuals in grades 3 through 7 — and choose the two best for their respective school's Accomplished Writer Award. The first place Accomplished Writer is offered the option of participating in the Rising Young Authors program. If declined or ineligible, the offer goes to the second place Accomplished Writer.