English Learners Advisory Committee

Blackford Elementary School boasts a tremendously active and engaged ELAC committee of approximately 55 members!  Monthly meetings focus on the business outlined by the Campbell School District plan for English Learners, but also on building community at our school.  The ELAC meets to discuss the educational program for English Language Learners (ELLs), advise the School Site Council on the expenditure of State categorical funds, and to learn about the rights of students in the California educational system.

English classes for parents are offered free of cost on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30-10:30.  Free child care is provided.

Our Los dichos de la casa program, through Project Cornerstone, provides an opportunity for parents to read in the classrooms once a month.  Students listen to parents read a story with a proverb in Spanish while the teacher reads the English. The students then participate in activities that extend the learning.  Be part of the fun! Volunteer!  Please contact Joanna Rascon to get involved at 978-4675 ext. 4513!