Calling all Kindergarteners
We would like to welcome all of our new Kinder families to Blackford. Very soon, you will receive information regarding our Kinder round-up event and Kinder orientation.
Kinder round-up is an opportunity for our kinder teachers to assess our incoming kinder students in order to gain an understanding of their academic ability and meet their needs in the classroom. In the letter coming home, you will receive a time to bring your child in for assessment on August 15th. If you have any questions or cannot make that time, please call (408) 978-4675.
Our Kinder Orientation will be held August 15th at 4:30 pm in the multi-Use room. We will discuss important information regarding our school procedures, expectations, and answer any questions you might have. Our PTA will also be there to share exciting information.
We are looking forward to meeting you and your child, and hope to see you there!