Blackford Elementary School

Healthy Eating Encouraged

Students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks for their morning recess break.

During our first recess, in the morning from 10:10-10:30, students may bring in a healthy snack to eat during the break.  We want to encourage healthy eating as much as possible, while recognizing students may time to time bring a special treat for recess snack.  As posted in our handbook: 


Students may bring a nutritious snack from home to be eaten at the first recess. It is strongly encouraged to avoid non-nutritious food items such as sodas, candy bars and high fructose drinks. Due to the fact that some food items contain red-dye, which can stain furniture, carpets and clothing, we are asking that students not bring Hot Cheetos or Takis to school. We appreciate all your efforts to support your child’s nutritional balance, which directly relates to their academic success.

If students bring in items such as Hot Cheetos or Takis, please note our staff may ask to hold the item in an effort to help students understand about healthier options.  Since we do not want students eating those kinds of items during morning recess, or at school, we will remind students to try to bring in a more nutritional snack.  Often times, our teachers offer a supply of various snack items for those students who do not have a morning snack and who may be hungry.  Our kitchen also offers fruit when available.

We  want to also remind families that we do serve breakfast at our site each morning from 7:40-8:10 AM.  Breakfast and lunch is served at no cost to families.  

Thank you for your understanding regarding the morning snack, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns.